Reffine Insights provides you with the most up-to-date and relevant overview of the industry to check how your website ranks when compared to the competition. This opens your road to becoming an industry leader.
Insights is powered by Google CrUX & Reffine Real User Experience (Paid version)
UX under control.
All of your websites, markets, and providers in one place to grant constant control of the user experience, saving you up to 30 hours that you can spend on other tasks.
No more time-consuming manual work. All you have to do is make the right data-driven business and managerial decisions.
The budget for digital marketing campaigns are always tight. We empower you to get more value for what you spend by providing Core Web Vitals data that translate into real money value.
Get informed about any metric drop and act instantly to keep your marketing strategy perfectly optimized.
Implement our script in your website’s code to monitor user activity in real time. Pick your own set of competitors, then select your campaigns’ websites and regions. A simple dashboard provides easy-to-read results for your custom scenario.
Monitor your websites, be up-to-date, and dare to become a leader.