
Different terms used on our website explained in simple terms


(Application Programming Interface) A set of rules and protocols that facilitate communication and interaction between different software applications. Think of an API as a messenger that allows different software applications to talk to each other. It sets the rules for how they can communicate and exchange information.

API Documentation

Detailed reference materials that outline the functionality, usage, and parameters of an API, enabling developers to integrate and interact with external services or data.

Back-end Development

The process of creating the server-side logic and functionality that powers a website or application, often involving programming languages like Python, Ruby, or PHP. It involves creating the server-side logic and functionality that powers the user experience. For example, when you submit a form on a website, the back-end code processes the form data and stores it in a database.


In web development, caching refers to the process of storing and serving previously generated data or web pages to improve performance and reduce server load. Caching can be done at different levels, such as the browser cache, CDN cache, or server cache, to minimize the need for repeated data retrieval or processing.


(Cumulative Layout Shift) A measure of how much a webpage unexpectedly shifts during its lifespan. Imagine you're reading an article, and suddenly an ad loads, causing the page to jump down. That's a high CLS score. A low CLS score means the page elements stay stable, providing a smoother and more enjoyable browsing experience.


(Content Management System)A software platform that enables users to create, manage, and modify digital content, commonly used for websites or blogs. It simplifies the process of building and maintaining websites or blogs without requiring advanced technical skills.

CMS Customization

The process of tailoring and extending a content management system (CMS) to meet specific website requirements, including custom themes, plugins, and functionality.

Cross-browser Compatibility

Ensuring that websites or applications work consistently and accurately across various web browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer.


(Core Web Vitals) Core Web Vitals are a set of specific website performance metrics defined by Google. They include measures like Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). These metrics help evaluate and optimize user experience by measuring loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability of web pages.


The dataLayer is a JavaScript object used in website tracking and analytics. It serves as a container for collecting and organizing data, such as user interactions, events, or variables, and makes it accessible for various tracking and marketing tools to use for analysis and decision-making.


The process of identifying and fixing issues, errors, or bugs in code or software to ensure optimal functionality and performance.


Deployment refers to the process of making a website or application available for users to access. It involves transferring the developed code and files to a server or hosting environment where it can be accessed and used by visitors.

Dev Ops

(Development Operations) Dev Ops, or Development Operations, is an approach that combines software development practices with IT operations. It focuses on streamlining the software development lifecycle, improving collaboration, and automating processes to enable faster and more reliable software delivery.


(Digital Experience Composition) A bundle of low-code developer and no-code business user tools used for creating, developing, and maintaining digital experiences. DXC empowers both technical and non-technical users to build and customize digital solutions efficiently.


(Digital Experience Platform) A collection of technologies used to create, deliver, and optimize digital experiences across various channels, including websites, mobile apps, and IoT devices. It provides a comprehensive solution for managing and enhancing customer experiences.


A pre-established structure or set of tools that provides a foundation for building web applications and streamlines development processes.

Front-end Development

The practice of building and implementing the user-facing components of a website or application using languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It focuses on creating the visual and interactive elements that users see and interact with, such as the layout, design, and functionality.


(Largest Contentful Paint) A Core Web Vital metric that measures the loading speed of a web page. It indicates the time it takes for the largest content element, such as an image or a block of text, to become visible to the user. A faster LCP contributes to a better user experience.

Responsive Design

The approach of designing and developing websites that adapt and respond to different screen sizes and devices, providing an optimal user experience.


A sitemap is a file or page that lists and organizes the hierarchical structure of a website. It provides a blueprint of all the pages, content, and sections within a website, making it easier for search engines and users to navigate and understand the website's structure. Sitemaps can be in XML format for search engines or HTML format for users.


Secure Sockets Layer) A security protocol that encrypts data transmitted between a user's browser and a website, ensuring secure and encrypted communication.


(Server-Side Rendering) The process of generating a webpage on the server and sending the pre-rendered page to the client's computer. This approach can improve initial page load times and provide better performance for users.

Sys Ops

(Systems Operations) Short for Systems Operations, refers to the management and maintenance of computer systems and networks within an organization. It involves tasks like server configuration, system monitoring, software updates, security management, and overall infrastructure maintenance.


(Total Blocking Time) A metric that indicates the duration during which a webpage is blocked, preventing user interaction. It measures the time it takes for the webpage or application to become fully interactive and usable for the user.


(User Interface) Refers to the visual and interactive elements of a website, application, or software that users interact with. It includes components like buttons, forms, menus, icons, and overall layout design. A well-designed UI focuses on usability, intuitive navigation, and providing an aesthetically pleasing interface.


(User Experience) Refers to the overall experience and satisfaction a user has when interacting with a website, application, or product. It encompasses various aspects, including ease of use, accessibility, navigation, visual design, and responsiveness, aiming to provide a positive and meaningful user experience.

Version Control

The management of changes to source code or files using version control systems like Git or SVN, allowing developers to track revisions, collaborate, and revert changes if needed.